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YCW Seminars: seminar 3

28 March 2025 to 28 March 2025 | Opening times 13:00 - 15:30 | The Octagon, Plymouth Marjon University

The Youth and Community seminars are delivered by practitioners and academics alongside undergraduate and postgraduate students and provide the opportunity to share practice knowledge on a range of contemporary issues and research.

Organised by Plymouth Marjon University

This is the third seminar in the series:

Title: The Youth Work Curriculum: A national or local priority? Lessons from research in Finland.

Date: Friday 28 March 2025

Location: The Octagon, Plymouth Marjon University

This is the third  in the Marjon Youth & Community Work Seminars 2024 - 25.

Youth & Community Work Seminars are open to practitioners, students, managers and policymakers in youth and community work, and allied professions. They offer the opportunity to come together, explore and share experiences and perspectives of a focused topic.

This seminar will encourage participants to engage in a comparative task. Two different approaches to curriculum will be presented.

Firstly, a national approach, examples of which include the National Youth Work Curriculum produced by the NYA in 2022 in England, and more recently by the Swedish - pan European - youth work organisation: KEKS

Secondly, the local youth work curriculums produced by municipal youth work organisations in Finland, over the last 10 years, facilitated by Dr Tomi Kiilakoski.

Participants will be encouraged to assess the relative merits of these two distinctly different approaches to curriculum.

The YCW team is committed to fostering an inclusive environment during events and YCW Seminars are designed to foster inclusivity, equity, and the recognition of diverse and marginalised voices.

Our overarching aim is to welcome a diverse group of attendees and create an atmosphere of openness, while promoting respectful disagreement and dialogue, ensuring that all participants and speakers feel safe sharing their perspectives. Therefore, we encourage open sharing of ideas and viewpoints and will ensure fair allocation of time for attendees to ask questions or provide comments.

Please let us know in advance if you have any specific support needs.

Outline of the Seminar

Arrival from 12.30 - bring your lunch and have a chat

Finish by 15.30

This event is free to attend - please register by Wednesday 26 March

In the meantime if you have any questions please email: events@marjon.ac.uk

We look forward to welcoming you to Marjon.

Date for your diary - YCW Conference: Youth Work Is... A Call to Action is on Friday 6 June in the Quad Theatre – more details to follow.